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Japanese Soaking Tub

Japanese Soakig Tub

Japanese Soaking Tub

Come relax, rejuvenate and reflect.  Enjoy the Japanese Soaking Tub, a ritual practiced in Japan for centuries. Unlike a bath for cleansing, it is a relaxing, meditative experience, used to calm the spirit and restore vitality. The soaking tub enables you to sit upright with water reaching your upper chest or neck. This is an ultimate spa experience (spa = partaking in healing waters).

Your spa ritual:

~ Soaking in the tub will incorporate aromatherapy bath salts and magnesium flakes . Enjoy the healthy waters of Morgan Coulee Prairie. Untreated with chlorine or chemicals, the water is naturally rich in minerals. 

~ A 30 minute soaking time is recommended (90 minute scheduled session).

~ The soaking tub can accommodate one or two people - tub is 3' x 3' with 2 benches.

90 minutes    $75 for 1 person         $95 for 2 people

Magnesium Foot Soak

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays an important role in over 300 biochemical functions in and on your body. Magnesium is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help calm and soothe skin. Through the transdermal application (the absorption through the skin) a magnesium foot soak can help relieve and relax aching feet and joints. Your ritual begins as you settle into a comfortable spot, we place a warmed blanket over you, drape a warmed lavender wrap around your neck and shoulders, make sure you have a beverage to sip, music or reading material, provide a silk eye mask if you choose to meditate for a bit as you slip you feet into a hot cedar tub infused with liquid magnesium, sea salt and essential oils.

40 Minute Ritual – 1 person $35

The Journey Inn view of Yoga Pose

Restorative Yoga

at Journey Inn & Santosha Center in Maiden Rock with Kristina Ahern: Individual, couple or group

Kristina, E-RYT 500 and Certified Vedic Chant Teacher, teaches yoga & chant within the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar, a respected lineage of yoga that honors the needs and capacities of each individual and is based upon traditional yoga philosophies.

Personalized Private Sessions

This one-on-one instruction is based entirely upon your individual needs, capabilities and personal goals. It can help the healing process or reduce symptoms associated with injuries or illnesses. A variety of yoga techniques may be experienced within private sessions...including physical postures, breath work, meditation, visualization, discussion of yogic concepts/philosophy and sound.

The yogic approach to health and healing is intrinsically holistic, taking into account the entire human system...including the body, breath, mind, behavior and emotions.

As an added benefit, a home-based practice is written and provided as a visual aid for you.

Private Session Rates: $140 for 1.5 hours.  Longer sessions available - please inquire.  This session can also be for a couple that has a similar yoga experience background (or both beginners).

Group Classes (for 4-6 participants)

Yoga of Earth: Come dwell within the qualities of stability and security created by connecting your energy to that of the Earth. In this practice, we will focus on grounding and rooting the body to provide a firm foundation. Stabilizing yoga postures, relaxing breath work, visualization and meditation will provide the framework for this grounding experience.

Yoga of Water: Let yourself flow into change and embrace the natural movement of life by allowing the qualities of the Water to guide your journey. In this practice, we will use gentle fluid movements coupled with cooling breath patterns and visualization to help release energetic blockages and to encourage the flow of your innate creative and healing energies.

Yoga of Fire: Support your ‘inner fire’ and fan the flames of transformation with this invigorating practice. Sun salutations and creative movement patterns that support purification and inner change will be the fuel for this class. In addition, breath practices and visualizations that enhance the qualities of light and clarity will balance this energizing experience.

Yoga of Air: Open the heart to self-care and kindness through gentle expansive movements and restorative poses in this soothing class. In addition, breath patterns and guided meditation will be woven into the practice to help guide the senses inward and calm the mind, bringing you to a place of balance and ease.

$120.00 for a 1.25 hour class with 4-6 participants. Larger groups, with up to 12 participants (additional fees) will be available at Santosha Springs Center in Maiden Rock coming late summer, early autumn.