The Spring Equinox represents a festival of awakening, and rebirth! The dark months are coming to an end & we’re moving into the warmth of the light. With the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, perhaps allowing the the return of some much-needed balance into your own life.
With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It’s fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired. This time of year your spirit is bright & coming alive with new ideas; hopefully you’re feeling inspired & excited to try new things.
This month is about trying new things out:
What excites you right now? What are you interested in? What are you drawn toward?
Discover a weekend of inspiration, rejuvenation, and community. Our talented teachers and guides will lead you through a variety of classes and practices to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Connect with other amazing women, share laughter, and return home feeling refreshed and empowered
Private Luxe Accommodations
King Beds, Luxe Linens, Private Bath, Robes/Slippers, Smart TV, Refrigerator, Sound Machine
Four Healthy Meals Provided
Friday Dinner, Saturday Four Course Breakfast, Saturday Late Lunch, Sunday Four Course Breakfast
Farm to Table When Possible, Non-GMO, Can Accommodate Most Dietary Needs
Breathwork - Your Next Level Healing & Wisdom with Mary Bauer
Mary M. Bauer is a former nurse skilled in a multitude of wellness disciplines including Healing Touch, Reiki, and ThetaHealing. She helps people heal at their core level of trauma so they feel better in every area of their life. This is a group meditation using a guided controlled breathing process and music to access altered states of consciousness by oxygenating the blood and stimulating the pineal gland (the small organ in your brain that regulates sleep, hormonal health, and well-being).
Breathwork can:
Reduce stress and anxiety
Improve the immune system and decrease inflammation
Create an emotional release
Ground and improve mental clarity and focus
Create self-awareness and promote inner trust
Helps deal with past trauma
Aide in creativity and intuition, and can result in deep spiritual insights
Enhance feelings of connection with others and an appreciation for life
Dr. Amber Genetzky, DC, DACNB,CVSMT
“Neuro Chemistry of Passion -Why Without Passion & Love, Our Best Efforts for Health Might Fail”
Dr. Amber will discuss how passion and purpose in our lives can drive our nervous systems to better health!
Awaken Flow Yoga - Katherine Krieser, MSc, RYT 200
Start your day with a refreshing morning yoga flow designed to gently wake up and stretch your body, warm up your muscles, and get your blood and energy moving. Set to beautiful, upbeat music, this class energizes you for the day ahead in a mindful and physically conscious way, perfect for all levels.
Sound & Vibrational Healing - Leah Buysse
Leah will be using crystal singing bowls, Himalayan bowls, drums, chanting and other sound instruments to promote relaxation, balance and healing. The session will include a themed intuitive reading, breathwork and time at the end for integration of the work with Reiki.
Aromatherapy & Acupressure Class - Charlene Torchia
Charlene will educate you on the the benefits and properties of essential oils as you indulge in the natural scents and create your very own signature scented body oil! Then, she will guide you in the ancient healing art of acupressure which can be used for anxiety, headaches, vertigo, relaxation, and so much more
Guided Facial - Jenn & Ryann
Jenn & Ryann will guide you through a spa like facial starting with a deep cleanse, exfoliation, treatments, and flooding with moisturizer. A great way to prepare your skin for an overnight rest
Gratitude Exercise & Craft - Jenn
Connect with your creative side and enjoy crafting and painting your own Gratitude Jar to promote positivity and foster good mental health throughout the year. Taking time and making space to express or practice gratitude has been proven to reduced stress, improve mood, better sleep quality, increase resilience, decrease anxiety, enhance feelings of optimism, improve relationships, and potentially even a boost to the immune system
1 Hour Massage Or 90 Minute Japanese Soaking Tub Ritual Included
Onsite Sauna & Additional Spa Services Available
Onsite Library, Giftshop, Hiking Trails, Snowshoes
Single Occupancy : $789
Double Occupancy: $989
You Must Call To Reserve Your Room/Space